Jack-O-Lanterns & Farm/Field Divination

Jack-o-lantern carving contest & historical rituals site (outdoors).

For a $20 add-on, you may purchase a small pumpkin or turnip to carve. All you get is your imagination (no templates allowed) and carving knife for the Best Carved Jack-O-Lantern Contest.

While you carve, you'll learn the Irish story of Stingy Jack (or Jack-O'-the-Lantern) and the differences between Irish and English stories about their origins and differing original functions.

At 10:30 PM, you'll be summoned outside before last call for the Jack-O-Lantern lighting fest in which we'll light all of your Jack-O-Lanterns, and do a crowd noise-o-meter to vote on the best carved turnip or pumpkin.

Here, you'll also learn about field and farm divination performed around Hallows Eve to ascertain romantic truths, to bring good luck in the next year, or to ascertain one's fortunes in the next year.

You'll participate in a peas in beans divination charm and do a pea counting divination.

This site is estimated to take about 30-45 minutes, so plan accordingly.