Path of Clarity
The Path of Clarity: The Direct Route
We get it. You're busy. Nobody's got time to decipher a bunch of historical clues to riddle out a secret location from which guests will walk to the Haunted Hall in silence on the Walk of Souls. Or maybe even you tried the Path of Mystery Veiled in Secret and found it too challenging, threw up your hands, and you just want to get to the party (if so, just email us).
If you want to pass GO, and proceed straight to the appointed Haunted Hall on Hallow's Eve at 7 PM, you'll let us know when you purchase your ticket and on Monday, October 24, 2022, we'll email you with the location of the Haunted Hall.
If you choose this path, you'll receive no formal invitation packet.
Instead of arriving in secret at twilight and walking several blocks to the venue by candlelight in silence while learning about Hallow's eve superstitions, you'll arrive directly at the venue in costume and in mask. Don't forget your phone, your debit card or cash (for additional readings, premium seances, themed food items, or additional drinks beyond those included), and your printed receipt on the night of.